Savory Breakfast Bowl 

Buckwheat is a gluten-free seed and psedocereal that is used as a grain and can be substituted for quinoa, rice, or pasta in dishes. Buckwheat can be used to make breakfast cereal, pancakes, and snacks such as crackers and granola. Buckwheat comes from the polygonaceae family and is a part of the Fagopyrum esculentum plant, which is similar to rhubarb and other grains. Eating buckwheat may improve blood sugar levels as well, according to studies at the National Library of Medicine. Buckwheat may also help lower cholesterol levels and be good for colon health due to the amount of fiber (10 grams in 3.5 oz). 

This buckwheat breakfast bowl is a savory alternative to sweet breakfasts such as my strawberry granola oatmeal, cinnamon apple pancakes, or berry French toast. If you’re looking for a savory breakfast, this is good for both breakfast and breakfast for dinner. This bowl is packed with a variety of ingredients. In addition to the gluten-free buckwheat, there is an egg, which lends the fat; turkey, which is the protein; and tomatoes and broccoli, which give this a boost of veggies. Once the buckwheat comes together, the rest of the meal only takes 7 minutes, for a total of just under 20 minutes to bring this meal together.

You’ll start with the buckwheat. In a small pan, boil 2 cups of water. Once the water is boiling, add the buckwheat. Turn down the heat to medium and start the timer for 10 minutes. You’ll want to stir occasionally until it starts to look like it’s thickening, about 3 minutes, at which point you’ll want to stir continuously so it doesn’t stick. You could cook buckwheat like quinoa where you add the buckwheat to cold water and then cook on low until the water is absorbed, but I find I don’t like the consistency of this method; it comes out more congealed and sticks to the pan easier than when I stir continuously. If all the water absorbs and it still isn’t quite done, add some more water, about ¼ cup at a time, and cook until it’s tender. Add in the salt and Italian seasoning, then place in a bowl.

 In a small skillet, add the turkey and a dash of salt and cook until browned, about 3–4 minutes. You can add water to the pan instead of oil, and the turkey will come out the same as cooking with oil. For quick cooking of the additional ingredients, you can use the microwave. In a small microwave-safe bowl (I prefer pyrex), heat sliced tomatoes for one minute. In another small bowl, steam the broccoli for one minute. For the stove, use a small pan and steam sliced tomatoes and broccoli for 2–3 minutes. In a small skillet, cook the egg to your preference. For this recipe, I made scrambled eggs. Place the tomatoes and broccoli on top of the buckwheat. Add the turkey, and place the egg on top.


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Savory Breakfast Bowl

Yield 1

Prep Time - 5 min

Author Danielle

Cook Time  20 Min


1 cup buckwheat groats

1/4 tsp salt

1/2 tsp italian seasoning

2 cups water

1 egg

8 grape tomatoes sliced

1 large piece of broccoli or 3 small pieces

1oz Turkey cooked

1/8th tsp salt


Bring 2 cups of water to a boil. Add the buckwheat groats and cook on medium for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally so it doesn’t stick to the bottom. If the water is absorbed and it needs a few extra minutes, add a little more water, stirring until tender. Turn off the heat and add the seasonings (salt and Italian seasoning). Add it immediately to a bowl.

Season the turkey with salt. In a small skillet, cook the turkey until browned, about 3–4 minutes. In a small bowl, heat the sliced tomatoes in the microwave for 1 minute. In another small bowl, steam the broccoli in the microwave for 1 minute. In a small skillet, cook the egg to your preference. 

Add cooked eggs, tomatoes, broccoli, and turkey to the buckwheat groats. Enjoy. 


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